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SQL practice exercise

Chapter 4: Practice Exercise

Client Requirements:

You’ve been approached by a client who runs a small chai store and wants to set up a simple database to manage their chai offerings. The client has provided the following requirements:

  1. Database Setup:

    • Create a new database named chai_store_db for managing chai products.
  2. Chai Table:

    • Create a table called chai_store with the following columns:

      • id: A unique identifier for each chai (auto-incrementing).
      • chai_name: The name of the chai (e.g., “Masala Chai”, “Green Chai”).
      • price: The price of each chai.
      • chai_type: Type of chai (e.g., “Spiced”, “Herbal”, “Cold”).
      • available: Boolean value indicating if the chai is currently available or not.
  3. Initial Data Insertion:

    • The client provides a list of their chai offerings and wants you to insert the following data:

      • Masala Chai - ₹30 - Spiced - Available
      • Green Chai - ₹25 - Herbal - Available
      • Black Chai - ₹20 - Classic - Available
      • Iced Chai - ₹35 - Cold - Not Available
      • Oolong Chai - ₹40 - Specialty - Available
  4. Data Queries:

    • The client needs some reports:

      1. Display all chai names and prices, using column aliases like “Chai Name” and “Cost in INR”.
      2. Find all chai varieties that have the word “Chai” in their name.
      3. List all chai varieties that cost less than ₹30.
      4. Show chai varieties sorted by price from highest to lowest.
  5. Data Updates:

    • The client wants to update the price of “Iced Chai” to ₹38 and mark it as available.
  6. Data Deletions:

    • The client decides to discontinue “Black Chai” and requests its removal from the database.

SQL solution:

  1. Create a new Database for the chai store:
CREATE DATABASE chai_store_db;
  1. Create a new table for the chai store:
CREATE TABLE chai_store (
chai_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
price DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
chai_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  1. Insert the initial data into the chai store table:
INSERT INTO chai_store (chai_name, price, chai_type, available)
VALUES ('Masala Chai', 30, 'Spiced', TRUE),
('Green Chai', 25, 'Herbal', TRUE),
('Black Chai', 20, 'Classic', TRUE),
('Iced Chai', 35, 'Cold', FALSE),
('Oolong Chai', 40, 'Specialty', TRUE);
  1. Display all chai names and prices, using column aliases:
SELECT chai_name AS "Chai Name", price AS "Cost in INR"
FROM chai_store;
  1. Find all chai varieties that have the word “Chai” in their name:
SELECT * FROM chai_store
WHERE chai_name LIKE '%Chai%';
  1. List all chai varieties that cost less than ₹30:
SELECT * FROM chai_store
WHERE price < 30;
  1. Show chai varieties sorted by price from highest to lowest:
SELECT * FROM chai_store
  1. Update the price of “Iced Chai” to ₹38 and mark it as available:
UPDATE chai_store
SET price = 38, available = TRUE
WHERE chai_name = 'Iced Chai';
  1. Delete “Black Chai” from the database:
DELETE FROM chai_store
WHERE chai_name = 'Black Chai';

Additional Resources:

To delete entire table:

DROP TABLE chai_store;

Also, you can use the TRUNCATE command to delete all rows from a table:

TRUNCATE TABLE chai_store;

Most of the time you will see that DROP command is used with IF Exists clause to avoid accidental errors:



In this chapter, we have learned about the basics of SQL and how to use it to manage and manipulate relational databases. We have also learned about the different types of relationships in SQL and how to use them. By the end of this chapter, you should have a good understanding of how to use SQL to manage and manipulate relational databases effectively.